Datamax DGL User Manual

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Table of Contents

STX Kx - Delete Configuration File......................................... 29

STX Kb - Backfeed Time Delay .............................................. 30

STX K- - Top of Form, Offset Distance................................... 30

STX KD Database Configuration ............................................ 30

STX KI - GPIO Input ............................................................... 30

STX KM - Configure Internal Memory Module Size................ 30

STX KO - GPIO Output........................................................... 30

STX KR - Reset Memory Configuration .................................. 30

STX KS - Configure Scalable Font Cache Size...................... 30

STX KW - Configure Print Width Size..................................... 30

STX M - Set Maximum Label Length...................................... 30

STX O - Set Start of Print (SOP) Position............................... 30

STX P - Character (HEX) Dump Mode ................................... 31

STX p - Controlled Pause ....................................................... 31

STX R - Ribbon Saver On/Off................................................. 31

STX T - Printhead Dot Pattern Test Label .............................. 31

STX t - Test RAM Memory Module......................................... 31

STX w - Test Flash Memory Module ...................................... 31

STX Y - Output Sensor Values ............................................... 31

STX Z - Print Internal Information ........................................... 32

STX z - Pack Module .............................................................. 32

STX b - Set Cutter signal time ................................................ 32

STX C - Copy Module............................................................. 32

STX D - Memory Dump (Test Mode Only).............................. 32

STX d - Set Printer to double buffer mode.............................. 32

STX g - Internal Batch Software Mode ................................... 32

STX N - Enter Internal Batch .................................................. 32

STX s - Set Printer to single buffer mode ............................... 32

e - Recall Printer Configuration............................................... 32

f - Set Present Speed ............................................................. 33

M - Select Mirror Mode ........................................................... 33

p - Set Label Backup Speed ................................................... 33

W - Wait mode (Prodigy only)................................................. 33

Z - Zip Mode (Prodigy only) .................................................... 33

Print Area................................................................................ 33

Fonts....................................................................................... 34

Slash Zero .............................................................................. 36

Codepages ............................................................................. 37

Barcode Symbologies............................................................. 38

Images .................................................................................... 40

Graphics - Supported graphics objects:.................................. 40

Flash / Ram Module compatibility........................................... 40