Cortex – Diamondback Lode Valiant Treadmill User Manual
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Cortex Statera
Unlike classical stress testing which requires maximal patient
effort to calculate useful results, Statera calculates patient risk
using linear regression analysis. This means that significant
patient risk data can be obtained using a shorter, less stressful
test for the patient.
The Statera test system can be combined with a fully integrated
12-lead ECG stress test and also be interfaced to other
peripheral devices (e.g. Blood Pressure)
Order codes
MetaLyzer 3B Statera system
MetaMax 3B Statera system
Cortex CardioLyzer Ultra
An easy to use, PC based 12 channel ECG with interpretation
and stress test capability allowing ECG signals to be recorded
and viewed during a full CPX test.
The CardioLyzer can also be used as a stand alone rest or
stress test ECG, allowing you to assess cardiac and pulmonary
function during exercise with one single test.
Order code
12 channel ECG system
Cortex MultiLyzer
The MultiLyzer module enables NiBP and Pulse Oximetry
measurements to be performed and monitored using the
latest Metasoft software. This option is available with both
the MetaLyzer and the MetaMax.
Order codes
COR-420-01-970 MultiLyzer base system
MultiLyzer NIBP module
MultiLyzer Pulse Oximeter (finger sensor)
Cortex SmartCart Systems
The SmartCart give you the opportunity to turn either your
MetaLyzer or MetaMax into a neat, well organised workstation
on wheels. It accommodates the entire testing equipment on a
sturdy base as well as offering a broad variety of configurations
to customise the cart for your exact requirements.
Order codes
COR-821-01-903 Smartcart MetaLyzer laptop
COR-821-01-904 Smartcart MetaLyzer PC mobile
Smartcart MetaMax laptop
COR-821-01-902 Smartcart MetaMax PC mobile
metabolic measurement
All Cortex metabolic systems are fully compatible
with Lode ergometers and Woodway treadmills.
For further information
please contact our sales team.