Mega emg systems, Bio-mechanical measurement – Diamondback Lode Valiant Treadmill User Manual
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o r e - m a i l i n f o @ c r a n l e a . c o . u k
bio-mechanical measurement
Muscle Trainer
Muscle Trainer is a small, two channel EMG biofeedback system
designed for both research and rehabilitation. It is a small,
portable system, which also has the latest MegaWin software.
Easy to use and with a rechargeable battery the Muscle Trainer
allows measurements in memory or real time.
Comes complete with data unit, pre-amplifier cables, USB
computer interface and the latest MegaWin Software.
Order codes
MT-METR Muscle Trainer 2 channel averaged EMG system
MT-MT2C Preamp Cable 1 channel muscle trainer
ME6000 Bio Monitor
Designed to meet the most demanding needs in biomechanics
research, rehabilitation, occupational health, sports medicine
and neurology. The ME6000 is a small and lightweight unit (only
344 grams) including EMG cables. Can also be used with other
sensors such as goniometers, accelerometers, heart rate and ECG,
inclinometers and foot switches.
Compatible with force plates, isokinetic & motion analysis systems.
Store measurements easily with the 256Mb memory card or
monitor in real time using telemetry or USB connections.
System configurations include 4, 8, and 16 channel monitoring via
USB or WLAN telemetry connection.
Options include - Neuro monitor, Isolation unit (together with
multiple sensors), memory card, video EMG and a new waterproof
system. Fully compatible with the latest MegaWin software.
Order codes
ME6000 4 channel EMG system
ME6000 4 channel telemetry EMG system
ME6000 8 channel EMG system
ME6000 8 channel telemetry EMG system
MT-M6T16WLAN ME6000 16 channel telemetry EMG system
Neuro monitor for ME6000
Digital Video EMG
Isolation unit, 4 isolated analogue inputs
MT-WPROOF4 Waterproof case for ME6000 4 channel
MT-WPROOF8 Waterproof case for ME6000 8 channel
Waterproof case for ME6000 16 channel
Pre-amp cable 2 channel (for ME6000/4/8)
Pre-amp cable 4 channel (for ME6000/16)
Please contact sales team for further information
MegaWin Video EMG option
Compatible with most Mega EMG systems and allows real time
measurement, laboratory and field, using standard digital video
equipment. Images and data automatically synchronized via
simple trigger switch. Analyse collected EMG data and video
images with playback functions, snapshots and reports.
Order code MEG-MW-VO
MegaWin ME6000 Neuromonitor
The new neuromonitor system allows EMG measurement
applications in measurements of evoked potentials (EP),
transcranial magnetic stimulation responses (TMS) and reflex
such as H-reflex and M-reflex. By using the latest software you
can also combine various triggering possibilities, such as a
patella hammer or nerve stimulators.
Order code MEG-NEURO
Mega EMG Systems