Bodystat – Diamondback Lode Valiant Treadmill User Manual

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body measurement & composition

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BodyStat BS1500
Body Fat Analyser

Simple and repeatable bio-impedance unit for the estimation of
body fat percentage. It utilises a single frequency measurement
approach, using disposable electrodes fitted to the subjects
hand and foot. The unit has a two line LCD screen allowing the
display of the subjects results. Stored data can be downloaded
to a PC for storage and evaluation by use of the optional
software programmes.

Order code


BodyStat BS1500MDD
Body Fat Analyser

This unit offers a quick, easy and non-invasive method to
measure body composition including body fat, lean mass, dry
lean mass and total body water.
Metabolic rates and waist/hip ratio are also calculated.
It contains separate equations for children over 5 years and
adults. Includes Body Manager software package

Order code BS1500MDD

BodyStat QS4000
Body Composition Analyser

The QuadScan 4000 device offers a quick, easy,
economical and non-invasive alternative to other methods
of fluid assessment and body composition analysis,
e.g. radioisotope dilution, underwater weighing.
By measuring the impedance at 5kHz and 200kHz and by
applying predictive equations, it is possible to estimate both
ECW and TBW (Total Body Water) respectively and by deduction,
ICW. ECW can be related to Extra-Cellular Mass and ICW
to Body Cell Mass.


Body Manager Programme

The Body Manager programme is ideal for tracking changes in
body composition over a period of time.
Features of the programme include - Body composition, Trend
reports, History graphs, Weight and activity monitors and
Cardiac risk analysis.

Order code


HydroStatic Weighing System

This package is designed for use in exercise physiology
laboratories and other research centres, for the accurate
determination of body density using the underwater
measurement method.
This low cost system comprises of a large cylindrical, thick wall
HD polyethylene tank, with a gantry to support the subjects
harness assembly. The measurement is made using a high
quality load cell and digital display unit.
Manual entry PC software programme is supplied to compute
the results.

Order code



System comes complete with heater
and filtration unit.







HydroStatic Weighing System

For further information regarding the installation

requirements of the HydroStatic water tank

please contact our service team.