Transferring maps, Transmitting music tracks, pictures and videos, Faults – Becker TRAFFIC ASSIST 7926 User Manual
Page 31

> D
> GB
> F
> I
> E
> P
> NL
> DK
> S
> N
> TR
> GR
> PL
> CZ
> H
> SK
Transferring maps
The installation software from the DVD
should be used for the transfer. This in-
volves the following stages:
> switch off Traffic Assist.
> remove memory card and plug into an
SD card reading device or the use the
USB cable to connect the Traffic Assist
to the computer.
> boot up the computer and insert the
> use the installation program to transfer
the map required.
> slide the memory card back into the
Traffic Assist or correctly remove the
USB cable.
> switch the Traffic Assist back on. The
new map is available right away
Transmitting music tracks,
pictures and videos
As the complete European map set occu-
pies virtually all the memory space on the
memory card provided, pictures, music
and videos should be stored on a separate
memory card (not included in scope of de-
The files can be transferred via a card read-
er or the USB connection.
If unit faults relating to the operating sys-
tem occur, messages to this effect will be
displayed. These should be acknowl-
edged. If the activated function cannot
then be executed, the Traffic Assist must
be restarted using the ON/OFF switch or
the reset button.
If the messages reappear or the unit
does not function correctly for any other
reason, please contact your local stockist.
Use obvious folder names because these
will help you later when you are trying to
find the file you want in the Traffic As-
Never attempt to open the unit yourself.
Please contact your authorised dealer if
you are unable to remedy the fault.