Checking the state of inputs, Testing, Faq/troubleshooting – Basler Electric BE1-CDS240 Quick Start User Manual
Page 9: Frequently asked questions (faqs), Checking the state of inputs -7, Testing -7, Faq/troubleshooting -7, Frequently asked questions (faqs) -7

enabled and interconnected but are disabled with settings of zero. See Section 8, Application, for
diagrams that describe the BASIC-87 logic scheme.
Enter A= to gain setting access and then send each of these text files to the relay as described above
under Batch Command Text File Operations. Do not forget to add E;Y (Exit; Save Settings? Yes) to the
end of both files.
As you gain knowledge of the relay, you can experiment with the rest of the settings. To set up a file with
all user settings, enter S and the relay will respond with all settings in command format. The acceptance
test procedure in Section 13, Testing and Maintenance, provides a basic procedure for creating a file with
all user settings.
Checking the State of Inputs
Section 8, Application, shows the Basic Differential (CDS240-BA87-A-BD) logic diagram. Review this
logic to help understand the following discussion. In this scheme, IN1 and IN2 are being used to show the
position of the breakers in the sequence of events record (SER). Input 3 is showing the status of the 86
lockout relay. Inputs 6 to 8 can be used for alarm annunciation. You can quickly review the state of the
inputs in three different ways: one, through the front panel HMI, two, using the ASCII command interface,
or three using BESTCOMS, Metering screen.
The front panel HMI displays the input status on Screen 1.4.1, \STAT\OPER\INPUT. A diagram showing
all of the menu tree branches is located in Section 10, Human-Machine Interface. To get to this screen,
press the Up scrolling pushbutton until you reach the top screen in the current branch. You know when
you have reached the top screen because the screen stops changing when you press the Up scrolling
pushbutton. From this position, press the Right scrolling pushbutton until you have reached the screen
titled, \STATUS BE1-CDS240 REPORT STATUS. From this position, press the Down scrolling
pushbutton one time (\STAT\TARGETS) and press the Right scrolling pushbutton three times. At this
time, you should see the OPERATIONAL STATUS Screen, \STAT\OPER_STAT. If you press the Down
scrolling pushbutton from this screen, you should see the INPUTS Screen, \STAT\OPER\INPUT.
Another method would be to use the ASCII command interface. One command that you can use to see
the status of the inputs is RG-STAT. Another command is RG-INPUT. This command will only read the
status of the inputs and nothing else.
To determine if the relay is responding correctly to each test, the following commands are useful.
RG-TARG, (report general targets): reports the targets from the last fault.
RF, (report faults): reports a directory listing of the twelve fault summary reports. The fault
summary reports are numbered from 1 to 255, then wrap around, and start over. RF-### reports
the ### report.
RS-##, (report sequence of events record), ## events: reports the most recent ## changes of
state in the protection and control logic.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
1.) Will the Trip LED reset after pressing the Reset key on the front panel?
The Reset key is context sensitive. To reset the Trip LED or the targets, the Targets screen
must be displayed. To reset the alarms, the Alarms screen must be displayed.
2.) Is the power supply polarity sensitive?
No, the power supply will accept either an ac or dc voltage input. However, the contact sensing
for the programmable inputs is polarity sensitive. See Section 12, Installation, for a typical inter-
connection diagram.
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BE1-CDS240 Quick Start