Basler Electric BE1-50/51M User Manual

Page 6

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BE1-50/51M Introduction

9252000990 Rev R


Revision and Date


G, 10/95

 Corrected minor typographical errors in Section 1 and 2.
 Corrected Table 2-1, locator item K, Function.
 Changed Figure 5-2 and all testing target current source references

from 0.2 ampere to 1.0 ampere.

 Changed Table 7-1 to add ECA and date data.

F, 02/95

 Changed all sections to reflect 200 series relay additions and relay

modifications that deleted P2 and P3 jumpers and added switch

 Changed Specifications, TIME and ISNT PICKUP accuracy; Output

Circuits, and Isolation (Dielectric Test).

E, 09/94

 Added new Figure 4-1 and bumped all following figures.
 Corrected old Figure 4-3, new Figure 4-4.

D, 05/94

 Changed continuous current sensing input rating and clarified TIME

PICKUP and INST PICKUP specification ranges, page 1-4.

 Changed Figure 1-3 to also show one ampere unit burden data.
 Changed time characteristics accuracy statement, page 1-7.
 Added (repeated) equation for the characteristic curve time

functions, page 1-9.

 Changed Figure 1-5 to show one ampere unit starting data.
 Separated Section 4, Installation, into Section 4, Installation, and

Section 5, Testing, and bumped all subsequent sections.

C, 06/93

 Added column for CT secondary to Table 1-1 and UL Recognition

and CSA Certification to specifications.

 Page 3-2: Deleted “or reset” from last sentence in paragraph

Outputs. Changed from “The targets will not operate or reset…” to
“The targets will not operate…”

 Page 4-1: Corrected dielectric test leakage current per terminal and

changed rack mounting plate part number from “9252000024” to

 Page 4-3: Added BE1-50/51M, vertical model rear view to Figure 4-


B, 09/92

 Page 1-1: Application, deleted reference to dust tight cover.
 Page 1-4: Specifications, TIME Dropout to not less than 95% of

pickup value.

 Page 1-7: Specifications, Time Reset, added statement to insure

sufficient power to power-up relay when using decaying

 Page 1-8: Specifications, corrected Storage Range Temperature

degrees F.

 Page 1-9: Defined British Standard curve types.
 Page 2-1: INST and TIME PICKUP selectors, added statement that

changing selectors while relay is in service may cause tripping.

 Page 4-7: Time Pickup Test, Step 1, changed 0.45 A to 0.485 A.
 Page 4-9: Time Pickup Test, Step 1, changed 0.09 A to 0.096 A.
 Page 4-11: Added paragraph SETTING THE RELAY.
 Added Section 6.

A, 05/92

 Changed manual title to BE1-50/51M and incorporated engineering

changes accordingly.

―, 04/92

 Initial release.