Aplex Technology ACS-2645 User Manual
Page 54

ACS-2645 User Manual
GP = inportb(0x4F); //Bit[3::0] = GPI[3::0]
Write GPIO value
Example x86 assembly code:
;Set GPO62
mov dx, 4Eh
mov al, 0E5h ;GPIO data reg.
out dx, al
mov dx, 4Fh
in al, dx
or al, 00000100b ;Bit2 = GPO62
out dx, al
;Clear GPO62
mov dx, 4Eh
mov al, 0E5h ;GPIO data reg.
out dx, al
mov dx, 4Fh
in al, dx
and al, not 00000100b
out dx, al
Example C code:
//Set GPO62
outportb(0x4E, 0xE5); //GPIO data reg.
Outportb(0x4F, (inportb(0x4F)|0x4)); //Set Bit[2]
//Clear GPO62
outportb(0x4E, 0xE5); //GPIO data reg.
Outportb(0x4F, (inportb(0x4F)&0xFB)); //Clear Bit[2]
The followings are C language source code:
#include "stdio.h"
#include "conio.h"
//Super I/O index access port
#define INDEXP 0x4E
#define DATAP 0x4F
//Enter super I/O programming mode
#define ENTERPRG { \