Vz’ set zone’s volume, Audio control – Zektor ProAudio 16™ DSP Preamp Audio Matrix User Manual
Page 17

ClarityAudio Serial Protocol, Version 1.01, 11/8/12
Audio Control
Response Strings:
= Volume in 0.5dB steps with an offset of 200. Range is 0 to 248.
The volume command is given in 0.5dB steps and uses an offset of 200 to indicate a attenuation of
0.0dB, 199 indicates 0.5dB of attenuation, and so forth, all way down to 1, which indicates an attenua-
tion of 99.5dB (or a gain of -99.5dB, depending on how you look at things).
The value 0 is special in that it indicates full attenuation, or fully muted audio (-115dB).
‘VZ’ Set Zone’s Volume
Each zone has a volume level that can be set from 0dB attenuation (full volume), to -99.5dB attenua-
tion, with a value of -100dB representing a full (more than -115dB) of mute.
There are three different ways of adjusting the volume:
Jump immediately to the new volume.
Fade to the new level in the time given by the ‘VRT’ command.
Fade to the new level using the slope given by the ‘VRT’ command.
(See “‘VRT’ Set Volume Ramp (Fade) Times” on page 19)
To fade to a new level over a given period of time, add 10000 to any volume command.
To fade to a new level at a given ramp speed, add 20000 to any volume command.
For a better explanation, see the examples that follow.
Volume gain is set in 0.5dB steps.
The format used to jump immediately to a new level is:
^VZ @
Set the volume of a zone or zones.
^VZ @
Add ‘step’ number of 0.5dB steps to current volume.
^VZ @
Subtract ‘step’ number of 0.5dB steps from current volume.
^VZ ?$
In polled mode, reads current settings of all volume changes.
^VZ @
Read current volume settings of given zone(s).
Response Strings:
^=VZ @
= One (or more) zones to be affected.
= Volume in 0.5dB steps with an offset of 200.
To jump immediatly to a new volume, the range is 0 to 248.
To fade to a new level in a given time period the range is 10000 to 10248.
To fade to a new level at a given speed the range is 20000 to 20248.
The volume command is given in 0.5dB steps and uses an offset of 200 to indicate a attenuation of
0.0dB, 199 indicates 0.5dB of attenuation, and so forth, all way down to 1, which indicates a gain of -
99.5dB (or an attenuation of 99.5dB, depending on how you look at things).
Using the ‘+’ or ‘-’ modifiers to adjust the current volume level will disable the mute command.
(See“‘VMZ’ Mute a Zone using Volume Control” on page 19.) The current volume level used will
be the value heard by the user (volume - mute attenutation). In other words, when adjusting the volume
using +/- values, the volume will go up or down from the current value being heard by the user, regard-