WaveWare RCD-1 User Manual

Page 9

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Paging Data Receiver

Paging Data Receiver

Paging Data Receiver

Paging Data Receiver


To send a command to activate the relay for one minute, and then have it deactivate automatically, send the
following command. Note: The RCD-1 unit must have its timer already programmed to be one minute,
using the Output 1 Period field in the programming software. The RCD-1 can be programmed to have a
delay value as long as approximately one hour and 45 minutes, or as short as one second. See the
Programming Section of this manual for details.


Checksum Example:

Message: 7014123450

Function code = 70

Command code = 14

Password = 12345

Data = 0 (turn output relay OFF)

Checksum: 37h XOR 30h XOR 31h XOR 34h XOR 31h XOR 32h XOR 33h XOR 34h XOR 35h XOR 30h
= 03h

Converting the answer, 03h, to HEX ASCII yields two characters, one for the 0 and one for the 3.

Therefore, the actual message to send to the RCD-1 is :


Note: ASCII-HEX representation of Checksums can result in non-numeric characters so alphanumeric
POCSAG formatting should be used when command checksums are present. Also, command
passwords/sub-addresses can also contain non-numeric characters.