Appendix c: bypass specifications – NEXCOM NSA 3130 User Manual
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NSA 3130 User Manual
Appendix C: Bypass Specifications
NSA 3130 provides LAN bypass functionality to ensure that
data can still pass through the device, even when it is
powered off. This feature helps ensure the continuous flow of
data through the device in the event of a hardware failure.
For network security appliances deployed at the gateway, for
example, it is crucial that they provide LAN bypass
functionality to ensure that hardware failure on these
appliances will not bring down the entire network.
Bit 7: Timer Expired
0 - Timer has not expired
1 - Timer has expired
Bit [2:0]: Timer Value
000 - 0 second
001 - 1 second
010 - 2 second
011 - 4 second
100 - 8 second
101 - 16 second
110 - 32 second
111 - 64 second
Bypass Control Function
BCSR - Bypass Control Status Register = 0XF3
Bit [7:6]: Bypass Mode
00 - Ignore, no action taken
01 - Force enable
10 - Force disable
11 - Timer enable
Bit [5:0]: Segment Control Bit
Bit 0: Segment 1 (facing the front panel, the rightmost is the
1st Bypass)
Bit 1: Segment 2 (facing the front panel, the second from the
right is the 2nd Bypass)
Bit 2: Segment 3 (facing the front panel, the third from the
right is the 3rd Bypass)
Bit 3: Segment 4 (facing the front panel, the fourth from the
right is the 4th Bypass)