C8840, C8000 – Junger Audio C8840 - Sync interface User Manual
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sync interface
digital audio
processing system
are useful if you want to recall settings remotely (e.g. by presets).
The C8k frame can handle 127 different GPIs. You must assign a
unique number to the respective function. Such numbers will be
generated by the brc8x Broadcast Remote Controller or by a GPI/O
interface module. If the C8840 receives such a number via the CAN
bus, it will load the respective preset for example.
GPOs (Tallies)
may signal the status of a module. If you load a preset the C8840 puts
the assigned number on the CAN bus so a C8817 GPI/O module may
turn on a relay or the brc8x may turn on button LEDs (see respective
manuals for details). The 8817 relays have NO (normally open) as well
as NC (normally closed) contacts. This allows for easy interconnection
with more generic monitoring equipment or very simple push button