C8817, C8000 – Junger Audio C8817 - GPI/O interface User Manual

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digital audio
processing system


Electrically Isolated GPI/O




The GPI/O numbers within a C8k system are strictly separated (127 GPO numbers, 127 GPI numbers)
from each other so a hardware GPI/O module may distinguish between GPIs and GPOs. As a
consequence there is no way to connect the GPI/Os of two C8k modules by using the same GPI and
GPO number. The C8817 closes this gap. It offers the feature to convert GPO numbers into GPI
numbers. It is also possible to initiate several GPIs by one GPO. You may also invert a GPO to activate
a GPI at the start and the end of a GPO event.

Important Note! The system of GPI/Os throughout a C8k frame has no plausibility checking!
Great care must be taken to avoid same numbers being assigned to different functions, because it will
activate multiple functions, causing great confusion in bigger installations, e.g. where Junger HW remote
controller is in place or GPIs are connected with automation systems or GPOs are connected with other
management systems!