CUE relayCUE-8 User Manual

Page 15

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Filter is time in range 0.01-0.20 sec. It means minimum time of closing/releasing the input contacts
(pressing the button) for the press to be valid. If input is closed/released for shorter time than set in
Filter property then it has no effect.

Long Press

Long Press is time in range 0.0-0.9 sec. If the time of pressing the button is longer than this value, the
press is interpreted as a long press .

RelayX Function

Function selection for control relay by buttons connected to relayCUE-8 inputs:

0 - no action button on appropriate input is disabled.

1 - coded

each press causes the toggle of the relay state (switched on/off).

2 - relay

when button is pressed, the output is on, otherwise it is off.

3 - system on when pressed, the relay switches on; it can be switched off only by a

command through serial line.

4 - run

a short press switches the relay on for the period of “Time” entered in its
parameter. Long time press switches the relay on only while button is being
held. It is suitable for use in couple with another channel with direction mode
for controlling of AC motors. For function in “run” mode, the property “RelayX
Paired Channel” must be set, which is to work in “direction” mode.

5 -direction

it is useful for selecting direction of controlled AC motors. After 200 ms the
couple relay with mode “run” is switched on too. For function in “direction”
mode, the property “RelayX Paired Channel” must be set, which is to work in
“run” mode. Mostly the relays working in this mode must be equipped
with N.C. as well as N.O.!
Make sure to assign this function only to these
relays - if so requested! (It means relays 2,4,6 and 8).

6 - delayed off the relay is switched on at once, but it is switched off after delay “Time”.

7 - delayed on the relay is switched off at once but it is switched on after delay “Time”.

8 - run DC

short press switch relay on for parameter “Time”. Long time press switches
the relay on only while button is being held. It is suitable for use in couple with
another channel with same mode for controlling DC motors (the paired relay
will be switched off). For function in “run DC” mode, the property “RelayX
Paired Channel” must be set, which is to work in couple also in “runDC” mode.
Mostly the relays working in this mode must be equipped with N.C. as
well as N.O.!
Pay attention to assign this function only to these relays - if so
requested! (It means relays 2,4,6 and 8).

9 - pulse

the relay is switched on for a short time impulse entered in the parameter

RelayX Paired Channel

This parameter is relevant only for functions where two relays are to work in a pair – i.e. “run”,
“direction” or “runDC”. The number is in range 0-8 where 0 means NO paired really channel and
numbers 1-8 means the number of the paired relay.

Please pay attention to set this parameter correctly where necessary. Check if paired relay properties
are correctly set in each pair. Inappropriate setting can lead to unexpected operations.

RelayX Time

The “Time” parameter - can be set to range time: 00:00:00.01 – 23:59:59.99

User Manual relayCUE-8

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