DTS Pro Series User Manual

Page 5

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2.6. Adding users


Under the User menu, choose


Figure 6. Choose “Add”


In the dialog box, specify a unique user name and password.


(Optional) You may also specify an email address so that the user
can be notified when their jobs are submitted and completed.

Figure 7. Add user dialog


Press OK. A directory will be created for the new user under the Root


The maximum number of users is governed by the Network Encoder

adapter key (dongle). When the maximum number has been reached, no
further accounts may be added. Currently, an adapter key for the Network
Encoder permits 99 users maximum.


User names that include spaces will prevent those users from

accessing their files via FTP.

Manager and User Guide –

DTS Pro Series Network Encoder for MAC OSX

The Root Directory is also the storage place for encoding log files. Every time a
user completes an encoding job, a log file with details and outcome of the job
is generated in their folder. A copy is also kept in the Root Directory so that
the Manager has an audit record of all encodings, even if a user deletes their
own copy.

2.5. Configuring email notification (optional)

If you want, you can configure the Network Encoder to send email notification to
users when each of their encoding jobs is submitted and done.


You will need to have access to an outgoing email SMPT server. Your

network administrator will know this information. If you use Outlook Express
with a POP3 connection, you can find your SMPT server by looking at the
“Server” tab on the account properties page.

Figure 4. Choose “Set email address”


Under the


menu, choose

“Set email address”

Figure 5. Email setup dialog


. Enter the SMPT server in the top field and enter an Encoder email address

in the bottom field.


This does not have to be a valid address – the message sent to the

user states that the email is automatically generated and that they should not
reply to it.

You may also need to allow SMPT traffic on the server. Consult with your
System Administrator and refer to Help for OS X.

DTS Pro Series Network Encoder for MAC OSX

– Manager and User Guide