Compix NewsScroll 4.1 User Manual

Page 26

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Chapter 2 Basic Operations

Set GPI Trigger Port

NewsScroll 4.1 can now be inter-
faced with a General Purpose Inter-
face (GPI) Trigger. The GPI Trigger
is designed for easy playback con-
trol of NewsScroll 4.1 without any
programming. To begin set up of the
GPI Trigger in NewsScroll 4.1, make
sure the communication method is
set to Serial by going to [Options] >
[Communication Method] > [Se-
rial]. Once that is set, go again to
[Options] > [Set GPI Trigger Port].
In the new window, pictured to the
right, select Com 1 or any available
port in the [Port] field. The program
is now configured to receive the GPI

Below is a diagram of the RS-232 DB-9F serial port connector and pinouts. By

connecting the correct pins together, you can control the ON/OFF funtionality of

NewsScroll 4.1. Please refer to the chart below for the correct pin combinations.



4 - 6

7 - 8


If more complete control of News-
Scroll 4.1 functions is needed, the API
or intelligent interface communication
protocols may need to be used via serial
or Ethernet (IP), which will require some
programming. Please contact Compix
Media customer service for the protocol

2. Startup without a NewsScroll data file

1. Startup from a NewsScroll data file
By placing a NewsScroll data file (*.nss) shortcut in the Windows Startup folder,

with [Keep Checked Boxes] selected inside the Options menu, NewsScroll 4.1

will start automatically into whatever state the *.nss data file was saved in when

Windows is started.

A shortcut to the NewsScroll 4.1 application can be placed in the Windows

Startup folder which will launch NewsScroll into a ready state, waiting for data

from an external source. This will not load a *.nss file as the shortcut above.

Additional Start Functions:

Protocol/TFT Settings

Setting up TFT connectivity is easy.
After the equipment is plugged in
to the Compix system, setup takes
only three steps to complete.

Go to [Options] > [Communication Method] and be sure that [Serial] is


Open the Comm Setup window by clicking on [Options] > [Set Serial Port].

Select the appropriate Port, set Baud Rate to [9600], Parity to [No Parity], Stop

Bits to [1], Data Bits to [8], and Flow Ctrl to [None]. (These settings are the

RS232, ASCII Control Codes.) Click [OK] when done.

Click on [Options] > [Protocol / TFT Settings] to open the Protocol Settings

window. Check the [Use TFT Protocol] box and click [OK] when done.






Compix Media NewsScroll

Document No: 2.3.002 Revision: 2.1 Updated: 4/11/2012