Compix NewsScroll 4.1 User Manual
Page 13
Chapter 1 Getting Started
Additional attributes and data can
be added to the data file which
are not mandatory. These include
multiple story data using different
templates and distinguishing words
or phrases by using various colors,
fonts, or sizes.
Using the example from The Basics section on the previous page, create a
new line and type in “*sc” followed by a space and the name of a different tem-
plate. This creates a second story data section that will be displayed following the
format of the new template.
Enter new data in the next few lines, making sure to begin each line with the
equal sign (=) followed by a space.
To emphasize certain words or phrases, place parentheses around the
desired text. Within the parentheses but before the text, type the hash sign (#)
followed by a number. The number will correspond to a different text format within
the template. If the same number is used on multiple words or phrases, then the
same format will be applied to each. This is discussed more in depth within the
Creating Template Files in GenCG section.
When finished entering data and customizing the text format, be sure there
are four (4) hash signs (#) in the last line of text and save the document.
Compix Media NewsScroll
Document No: 2.3.002 Revision: 2.1 Updated: 4/11/2012