Compix studio troubleshooting – Compix Analog User Manual
Page 13

Document No: 2.3.008 Revision: 1.0 Updated: 5/8/2012
Compix Studio Troubleshooting
The Compix Video Output Does Not Work:
1. Bypass the switcher and feed the Compix video signal di-
rectly into a video monitor.
2. Disconnect all inputs from the Compix system, including the
external reference.
3. Is the output on the monitor correct?
Yes: Make sure the switcher is correctly set up. The switch-
er’s input may be expecting a different resolution from the
Compix system.
A. Open the AllCG Control on the Desktop. Make sure
the Video Format and Input Signal are correct.
B. Under Genlock Mode, make sure it is set to [Internal]
if there is video going through the Compix system. If the
video is going into the switcher but it is currently going
into a video monitor for testing purposes, select [Inter-
nal] for now. Under Pattern, select [75% Colorbars].
C. Verify that the video breakout cable in the back of the
system is screwed in all the way.
Not Syncing Correctly:
If the Compix system is not syncing properly, please verify the
1. Black burst should be going into the Ref-In connector on
the breakout cable.
2. Select the correct black burst signal by going to [Options]
> [Tools] > [Video]. If you are using tri-sync, select the same
resolution inside Genlock Format as the Video Format sig-
nal. Also verify the correct frame rate.
3. Make sure Frame Sync is turned off on the switcher’s