Two-wire configuration, Assigning rs-485 addresses, 18 stm23 hardware manual – Applied Motion STM23C-3CE User Manual

Page 18

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Two-Wire Configuration

RS-422/485 Connector diagram

Transmit and receive on the same pair of wires can lead to trouble. The host must not only disable its transmitter before

it can receive data, it must do so quickly, before a drive begins to answer a query. The STM23 includes a “transmit delay”

parameter that can be adjusted to compensate for a host that is slow to disable its transmitter. This adjustment can be

made over the network using the TD command, or it can be set using the

ST Configurator

software. It is not necessary to

set the transmit delay in a four-wire system.

NOTE: a 120 ohm terminating resistor is required at the end of a two wire network.

RS-232 to RS-485 2-wire Converter

Model 485-25E from Integrity Instruments (800-450-2001) works well for converting your PC’s RS-232 port to RS-485.

It comes with everything you need. Connect the adaptor’s “B” pin to the Drive+Motor’s TX+ and RX+ terminals. Connect

“A” to the drive’s TX- and RX- terminals.

Assigning RS-485 Addresses

Before wiring the entire system, you’ll need to connect each drive individually to the host computer so that a unique

address can be assigned to each drive. Use the

ST Configurator™

software, available at Applied Motion’s website for this


Connect the drive to your PC and then launch the

ST Configurator™

software. Finally, apply power to your drive. If you

have already configured your drive, then you should click the Upload button so that the

ST Configurator™

settings match

those of your drive. Click on the Motion button, then select the SCL operating mode. If you have a Q drive, you may

want to select “Q Programming”. Either way, you’ll see the RS-485 Address panel appear. Just click on the address charac-

ter of your choice. You can use the numerals 0..9 or the special characters ! “ # $ % & ‘ ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? @ . Just make

Typical RS-422/485 Two-Wire System

+Rx- +Tx- GND

+Rx- +Tx- GND

+Rx- +Tx- GND

to Host Tx+ (B)

to Host Tx- (A)

to Host GND

Drive 1

Drive 2

Drive n








STM23 Hardware Manual



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