Subaru 2006 Legacy User Manual

Page 251

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Starting and operating



When the engine coolant tempera-

ture is still low, your vehicle’s automat-

ic transmission will up-shift at higher

engine speeds than when the coolant

temperature is sufficiently high in or-

der to shorten the warm-up time and

improve driveability. The gearshift tim-

ing will automatically shift to the nor-

mal timing after the engine has warmed


Immediately after ATF (automatic

transmission fluid) is replaced, you

may feel that the automatic transmis-

sion operation is somewhat unusual.

This results from invalidation of data

which the on-board computer has col-

lected and stored in memory to allow

the transmission to shift at the most

appropriate times for the current con-

dition of your vehicle. Optimized shift-

ing will be restored as the vehicle con-

tinues to be driven for a while.


Selector lever

: Shift possible with brake pedal de-


: Shift possible with brake pedal not


The selector lever has four positions, “P”,

“R”, “N”, “D” and also has manual gate for

using “SPORT” mode or manual mode.

T P (Park)
This position is for parking the vehicle and

starting the engine.

In this position, the transmission is me-

chanically locked to prevent the vehicle

from rolling freely.

When you park the vehicle, first set the

parking brake fully, then shift into the “P”

position. Do not hold the vehicle with only

the transmission.

To shift the selector lever from the “P” to

any other position, you should depress the

brake pedal fully then move the selector

lever. This prevents the vehicle from

lurching when it is started.

T R (Reverse)
This position is for backing the vehicle.

To shift from the “N” to “R” position, stop

the vehicle completely then move the le-

ver to the “R” position.

T N (Neutral)
This position is for restarting a stalled en-


In this position the wheels and transmis-

sion are not locked. In this position, the

transmission is neutral; the vehicle will roll

freely, even on the slightest incline unless

the parking brake or foot brake is on.

Avoid coasting with the transmission neu-


During coasting, there is no engine brak-

ing effect.


Avoid shifting from one of the for-

ward driving positions into the

“R” position or vice versa until the

vehicle has completely stopped.

Such shifting may cause damage

to the transmission.


When parking the vehicle, first se-

curely apply the parking brake

and then place the selector lever

in the “P” position. Avoid parking

for a long time with the selector le-

ver in any other position as doing

so could result in a dead battery.