Subaru 2006 Legacy User Manual

Page 236

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Interior equipment



your garage door opener may be protect-

ed by a rolling code feature. In this case

you need to perform the additional steps

for “Programming rolling-code-protected

garage door openers in the U.S.A.” de-

scribed in the following.


Rolling-code-protected garage door

openers are manufactured after 1996.

See the instruction manual of your ga-

rage opener for confirmation.

7. Reconnect the motor of your garage

door opener to the outlet.

8. Test your garage door opener by

pressing the programmed HomeLink®



Programming rolling-code-

protected garage door open-

ers in the U.S.A.

If your garage door opener has a rolling

code feature, program the HomeLink®

Wireless Control System for it by following

steps 1 through 5 in the “Programming ga-

rage door openers in the U.S.A.” section

above and then continuing with the follow-

ing steps.


The assistance of a second person

may make the programming quicker

and easier.

1. Locate the training button on the ga-

rage door opener motor head unit. The ex-

act location and color of the button may

vary by brand of garage door opener. If it

is difficult to locate the training button, re-

fer to your garage door opener’s instruc-

tion manual.

1) Training button

2. Press the training button on the garage

door opener motor head unit (which acti-

vates the “training light” on the unit). Pro-

ceed to step 3 within 30 seconds.

3. Inside the vehicle, firmly press and re-

lease the HomeLink® button that was pro-

grammed in the section above. Press and

release the button a second time to com-

plete the programming procedure.


Some garage door openers may re-

quire you to do the above procedure a

third time to complete the program-


4. The garage door opener should now

recognize the HomeLink® Wireless Con-