State emission testing (u.s. only) – Subaru 2006 Legacy User Manual

Page 245

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Starting and operating

State emission testing (U.S.


At state inspection time, remember to

tell your inspection or service station

in advance not to place your SUBARU

AWD vehicle on a two-wheel dyna-

mometer. Otherwise, serious transmis-

sion damage will result.

Some states have started using dyna-

mometers in their state inspection pro-

grams in order to meet their obligation un-

der federal law to implement stricter vehi-

cle emission standards to reduce air pollu-

tion from vehicles. A dynamometer is a

treadmill or roller-like testing device that

allows your vehicle’s wheels to turn while

the vehicle remains in one place. Depend-

ing on the severity of a state’s air pollution

problems, the states must adopt either a

“basic” or “enhanced” vehicle emission in-

spection test. Normally, a portion of the

basic emission test consists of an emis-

sion inspector inserting an analyzer probe

into the exhaust pipe of an idling vehicle

for a short period of time. States with more

severe air pollution problems are required

to adopt an enhanced vehicle emission

test. This test simulates actual driving

conditions on a dynamometer and permits

more accurate measurement of tailpipe

emitted pollution than the basic emission


The U.S. Environmental Protection Agen-

cy (EPA) and states using two-wheel dy-

namometers in their emission testing pro-


vehicles from the portion of the testing

program that involves a two-wheel dyna-


There are some states that use four-wheel

dynamometers in their testing programs.

When properly used, that equipment will

not damage an AWD SUBARU vehicle.


Always use a genuine SUBARU

fuel filler cap. If you use the wrong

cap, it may not fit or have proper

venting, and your fuel tank and

emission control system might be


Testing of an All-Wheel Drive vehi-

cle must NEVER be performed on a

single two-wheel dynamometer. At-

tempting to do so will result in un-

controlled vehicle movement and

may cause an accident or injuries to

persons nearby.

Resultant vehicle damage due to im-

proper testing is not covered under

the SUBARU Limited Warranty and

is the responsibility of the state in-

spection program or its contractors

or licensees.