Index – Mercedes-Benz 2013 CLA Class User Manual

Page 7

background image

Audio menu (on-board computer) .... 214

Authorised workshop

see Qualified specialist workshop

AUTO lights

Display message ............................ 239
see Lights

Automatic engine start (ECO start/

stop function) .................................... 149

Automatic engine switch-off (ECO

start/stop function) .......................... 148

Automatic headlamp mode .............. 107

Automatic transmission

Accelerator pedal position ............. 154
Automatic drive program ............... 156
Changing gear ............................... 154
DIRECT SELECT lever ..................... 152
Display message ............................ 250
Drive program display .................... 153
Driving tips .................................... 154
Emergency running mode .............. 159
Engaging drive position .................. 154
Engaging neutral ............................ 154
Engaging reverse gear ................... 154
Engaging the park position ............ 153
Holding the vehicle stationary on
uphill gradients .............................. 154
Kickdown ....................................... 155
Manual drive program .................... 156
Overview ........................................ 152
Problem (fault) ............................... 159
Program selector button ................ 155
Pulling away ................................... 146
Starting the engine ........................ 145
Steering wheel gearshift paddles ... 156
Trailer towing ................................. 155
Transmission position display ........ 153
Transmission positions .................. 154

Automatic transmission emer-

gency running mode ......................... 159

Auxiliary heating

Activating/deactivating ................. 136
Activating/deactivating (on the
centre console) .............................. 137
Display message ............................ 253
Important safety notes .................. 136
Problem (display message) ............ 140
Remote control .............................. 137

Setting ........................................... 224
Setting the departure time ............. 138

Auxiliary ventilation

Activating/deactivating ................. 136
Activating/deactivating (on the
centre console) .............................. 137
Problem (display message) ............ 140
Remote control .............................. 137

Axle load, permissible (trailer tow-

ing) ...................................................... 345


Ball coupling

Folding in ....................................... 205
Folding out ..................................... 203

BAS (Brake Assist System) ................. 64

Battery (key)

Checking .......................................... 78
Important safety notes .................... 78
Replacing ......................................... 79

Battery (vehicle)

Charging ........................................ 304
Display message ............................ 241
Important safety notes .................. 302
Jump starting ................................. 306


see Seat belt

Belt force limiter

Activation ......................................... 50
Function ........................................... 50

Belt tensioner

Activation ......................................... 41
Function ........................................... 50

Blind Spot Assist

Activating/deactivating ................. 219
Display message ............................ 244
Notes/function .............................. 197
Trailer towing ................................. 199


Active bonnet (pedestrian protec-
tion) ............................................... 282
Closing ........................................... 284
Display message ............................ 252
Important safety notes .................. 282
Opening ......................................... 283
