Index – Mercedes-Benz 2013 CLA Class User Manual

Page 12

background image

Engine number ............................... 336
Jump-starting ................................. 306
Running irregularly ......................... 150
Starting problems .......................... 150
Starting the engine with the key .... 146
Stopping ........................................ 162
Tow-starting (vehicle) ..................... 311
Warning lamp (engine diagnostics) 262

Engine electronics

Notes ............................................. 334
Problem (fault) ............................... 150

Engine jump starting

see Jump starting (engine)

Engine oil

Additives ........................................ 341
Checking the oil level ..................... 284
Checking the oil level using the
dipstick .......................................... 284
Display message ............................ 242
Filling capacity ............................... 340
Notes about oil grades ................... 340
Notes on oil level/consumption .... 284
Topping up ..................................... 285
Viscosity ........................................ 341

Environmental protection

Returning an end-of-life vehicle ....... 21



(Electronic Stability Pro-


Deactivating/activating ................. 218
Deactivating/activating (notes) ....... 69
Display message ............................ 227
ETS .................................................. 68
Function/notes ......................... 68, 69
General notes .................................. 68
Important safety guidelines ............. 68
Trailer stabilisation .......................... 70
Warning lamp ................................. 258

ETS (Electronic Traction System) ....... 68

Exhaust pipe (cleaning instructions) 292

Exterior lighting

Settings options ............................. 106
see Lights

Exterior mirrors

Adjusting ....................................... 101
Anti-dazzle mode (automatic) ........ 102
Folding in/out (automatically) ....... 102
Folding in/out (electrically) ........... 101

Folding in when locking (on-board
computer) ...................................... 225
Out of position (troubleshooting) ... 102
Parking position ............................. 102
Resetting ....................................... 102
Storing settings (memory function) 103


Fault message

see Display messages

Filler cap

see Fuel filler flap

Fire extinguisher ............................... 297

First-aid kit ......................................... 296

Fitting a wheel

Removing a wheel .......................... 328

Fitting wheels

Fitting a wheel ............................... 328
Lowering the vehicle ...................... 328
Preparing the vehicle ..................... 325
Raising the vehicle ......................... 326
Securing the vehicle against roll-
ing away ........................................ 326

Flat tyre

MOExtended tyres ......................... 298
Preparing the vehicle ..................... 298
TIREFIT kit ...................................... 299
see Emergency spare wheel

Floormat ............................................. 279


Extended range .............................. 111
Switching on/off ........................... 108


Mobile phone ................................. 334
Two-way radio ................................ 334

Front foglamps

Display message ............................ 238


Additives ........................................ 338
Consumption information .............. 339
Consumption statistics .................. 211
Displaying the current consump-
tion ................................................ 212
Displaying the range ...................... 212
E10 ................................................ 337
Fuel gauge ....................................... 30
Grade (petrol) ................................ 337

