Lenco Playlink-6 User Manual
Page 7

6 - EN
Press the WPS key of the router and the Quick Connect key of the speaker sim-
ultaneously. The LED on speaker is flashing fast (white). After around 10~40 seconds, the
Wi-Fi LED on speaker becomes stable white: The speaker is connected to your network.
3.2: Connect your speaker using a browser:
If your router does not have a WPS key, open the WLAN settings on your mobile phone or
on your computer and look for the WiFi network: PLAYLINK6 xxxxxx-AJ (xxxxxx depends
of your speaker serial number).
Select and connect to this network.
Open your browser, you will be automatically redirected on the login web page. If you are
not automatically redirected, type in your browser the address:
Input a friendly name for your speaker (this is the name that will be shown on your speaker
when you will play from your mobile phone), can be Living room, Bedroom, or whatever.
Select your network name in the scrolling menu, then input your home network password.
Click on “Connect”, your speaker is looking for your home network, when connected the
WiFi LED will turn to stable white.