Field wiring and control setup cont – WaterFurnace Envision Hydronic (NDW) User Manual
Page 18
Field Wiring and Control Setup cont.
Accessory Relay Setup
The accessory output set to “close” upon Y1 compressor call (compressor is delayed 90 sec. after Y1) but can be set to
“open” with Y1.
To change ACC1:
• Using up and down keys, scroll to “Acc 1 Sel” hit “ENTER” and “ON Comp” begins flashing
• Using up and down keys, select “ON Comp” for activation with Y1 Call or “OFF Comp” for deactivation with Y1
Lead/Lag Selection
Compressor Lead/Lag Selection is factory set to “ON” but can be set to “OFF”.
To change Lead/Lag On/Off:
• Using up and down keys, scroll to “LEAD/LAG SELECT” hit “ENTER” and “OFF” begins flashing
• Using up and down keys, select “ON” for activation or “ OFF” for deactivation
°F or °C - Unit of Measure
Degrees Fahrenheit is factory set, however degrees Celsius can be selected using the following procedure:
To Change Unit of Measure:
• On FX10 control using up and down keys, scroll to “SETTINGS”
• Using up and down keys, scroll to “UNIT OF MEASURE” hit “ENTER” and “UNIT OF MEASURE” begins flashing
• Using up and down keys, select “F” for degrees Fahrenheit or “C” for degrees Celsius
Other Field Options
Other field selectable options are available as shown in the maintenance menu on page 24 of the FX10 control
using a similar procedure as shown in the above examples. These would include thermostat enabling, and
emergency shutdown.