Buffered and passive feed thru's – Voodoo Lab GCX Guitar Switcher User Manual

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D I G I T A L M U S I C C O R P O R A T I O N 5

Buffered and Passive Feed Thru's


There are two front panel feed thru's which provide convenient connection to
your switching system. The feed thru labeled "


is buffered and the

the feed thru labeled "


is passive.

The passive feed thru is simply hard-wired from the front jack to the rear. The
most common use for the passive feed thru is for an "amp out" connection
(passing from the back to the front). You can also use it as an instrument input
if you do not wish to use the buffer.

Using at least one feed thru ties audio ground to the GCX chassis. This allows
the GCX chassis to act as a noise shield for the audio loops and circuitry.

Why Use the buffer?

Guitar pickup tone is greatly affected by the input characteristics of the device
it's plugged into. Unlike typical buffers which utilize bipolar transistor
components resulting in unnatural sound, our buffer inputs are carefully
matched in both impedance and capacitance to those of tube amplifier inputs.
Further, using the latest ultra low noise FET technology provides tube amp
characteristics with the lowest possible noise level. The result is an
exceptionally transparent buffer which optimizes guitar pickup tone quality.

Using the


passes your guitar signal through the in-line buffer which

converts from high to low impedance. This improves signal quality, lowers
noise, and allows splitting with simple Y-cables to drive multiple devices.

Connection Options

The rear panel feed thru jacks are both normalled to the buffer. This means
that if you use only the


, your buffered signal will appear at both the




jacks. This split can be useful for driving a tuner or

multiple amps and preamps.