Voodoo Lab Tremolo II User Manual
Tremolo ii, User’s manaual

User’s Manaual
Voodoo Lab Guitar Effect Pedals are handcrafted from the finest modern and vintage components. They
are housed in rugged aluminum cases with heavy duty metal switches. True bypass switching is used for
absolutely no loss of tone when the pedal is bypassed. These are the finest effect pedals a musician can buy.
All Voodoo Lab products are manufactured in the U.S.A. by Digital Music Corporation. For more infor-
mation about Digital Music and Voodoo Lab products, please visit our web site at www.voodoolab.com.
The Voodoo Lab Tremolo is designed to provide the tone and feel of a vintage tube amp tremolo. This is
accomplished by using the proper waveform in conjunction with the same lamp and photocell assembly
used in many popular vintage amps.
We’ve added two new controls to our Tremolo for even greater versatility. Depending on how you’ve set
the controls you can get a perceived level change from the Tremolo. The Volume control is an output
level trim which allows you to correct this to your desired playing volume. The Slope control varies the
shape of the tremolo waveform. Set the slope all the way down for traditional tremolo. As you increase
the slope, the rise and fall becomes sharper. When you turn it all the way up the “off ” attenuation is
increased for a better stutter sound. Here are some possible settings:
1. Shimmer: set the intensity around 3:00 and the speed nearly all the way up.
2. Surf: try the intensity around 2:00 and the speed around 3:00.
3. Leslie: turn the intensity all the way up and set the speed to the desired tempo, probably between
12:00 and 2:00.
4. Stutter: turn the slope all the way up. Set the intensity all the way up and the speed as desired.
Plugging into the input jack turns on the power to your Tremolo.
To preserve battery life, disconnect the input cable when not in use.
The Voodoo Lab Tremolo is powered by a single 9V battery. To replace the battery, remove the four
screws which secure the bottom cover. Longer life and more consistant tone will be achieved with an
Alkaline-type battery.
External Power
The Voodoo Lab Tremolo can be powered externally with a regulated 9VDC power supply, eliminating