Voodoo Lab GCX Guitar Switcher User Manual

Page 12

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D I G I T A L M U S I C C O R P O R A T I O N 11

However, if the GCX status LED is ON when you want it OFF, you can reverse polarity
by selecting normally closed.

For example, let's say you're controlling reverb on your amp from its footswitch input,
but the GCX status LED is ON when the reverb is OFF. You can fix this by changing
from normally open to normally closed (plug into the


jack). The LED will

now show the correct state of the reverb.

Momentary Type

Some devices require momentary type switches. A momentary switch changes state
(from ON to OFF or from OFF to ON) by closing for a short time and then opening
again. These are most often used for bypass switches on digital effects.

To use a GCX loop as a momentary switch, connect the GCX loop


jack to the

footswitch input jack. You must also configure the loop as a momentary switch in the
Ground Control setup.