Epi light guide installation (geldoc-it, And chemidoc-it – UVP 81-0333-01 BioLite Xe User Manual
Page 8

BioLite Xe MultiSpectral Light Source
Epi Light Guide Installation (GelDoc-It
and ChemiDoc-It
1. Remove one stopper at the left side of the darkroom.
2. Remove any existing plates or screws from the mounting bracket so that the epi light guide bracket
appears as follows:
3. Thread the knurled (non-smooth side) of the fiber optic cable from the inside of the darkroom
through the hole created by removing the stopper until the large bulb separating the smooth and
rough side of the fiber optic cable can no longer be pushed through the opening.
4. Position the light guide in the mounting bracket as shown below. Make sure the cable protruding
from the light guide faces toward the front of the darkroom (toward the darkroom door) and that the
light emitting portion of the light guide is facing toward the platform tray.
5. Attach the mounting bracket plate to the mounting bracket using two of the screws provided, as
shown below. Make sure the tab on the plate faces up.
6. Repeat the process for the other light guide within the darkroom.
Light emitting
portion of the light
guide is facing
platform tray
Cable faces
the front of
the darkroom
Light guide fits
snugly in mounting