5 programming phone numbers and names – DoorKing 1817 User Manual
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Before beginning manual programming of this telephone entry system from the keypad, it is strongly
recommended that the resident log sheets in the back of this manual be competed in their entirety.
This will make programming easier and can be used as a reference when entering phone numbers,
names, entry codes and device numbers.
This section of the manual will instruct you on how to enter phone numbers and names into the
system memory from the keypad on the telephone entry system. Prior to entering any information,
you will set the directory code digits to the desired length. Changing the directory code length after
programming is complete will delete all programmed phone numbers, area codes, and names and will
require you to re-enter this information.
If you are in an area that requires 10 digit dialing, you will need to program the area code(s) required
as described in 3.5.3, and then program the resident phone numbers as described in 3.5.4. If 10-digit
dialing is not required, simply enter the 7-digit phone number as described in 3.5.2.
1815 - 1817 systems only. When you are entering names into the electronic directory, remember to
press * after each desired letter, number, or space is displayed on the LCD. When the entire name is
displayed on the directory, press * again to enter the entire name into the directory. If you make a
mistake, simply press # to clear the display and start over. Names cannot be more than 15
characters in length - spaces count as a character.
The example below shows the keypad sequence to enter JONES APT 1 into the directory.
3.5 Programming Phone Numbers and Names
Press the * key to enter the entire name.
To Enter: JONES APT 1
Press the 5 key one time to display J, then press the * key to enter.
Press the 6 key three times to display O, then press the * key to enter.
Press the 6 key twice to display N, then press the * key to enter.
Press the 3 key three times to display E, then press the * key to enter.
Press the 7 key four times to display S, then press the * key to enter.
Press the 1 key one time for a space, then press the * key to enter.
Press the 2 key one time to display A, then press the * key to enter.
Press the 7 key once to display P, then press the * key to enter.
Press the 8 key one time to display T, then press the * key to enter.
Press the 1 key one time for a space, then press the * key to enter.
Press the 1 key twice to display 1, then press the * key to enter.