3programming the instruction message – 1815 s – DoorKing 1817 User Manual
Page 39

3.4.3 Programming the Instruction Message – 1815 Systems
The instruction message scrolls across the screen from right to left when the system is not in use and
follows the user message programmed in 3.4.2. The instruction message can be a maximum of 52
characters (spaces count as a character) and is entered into the system memory in three blocks. The
first two blocks contain 20 characters while the third block contains 12 characters. The example
below shows how the sample instruction message was divided into three blocks and programmed
into the system. Use the blank matrix to organize your own message. Only upper case letters,
numbers and spaces can be programmed from the system keypad.
Factory Default Instruction Message: Push A-Z To Find Name Or No. Enter Code Or Push Call
NOTE: The factory default instruction message was programmed from a PC, therefore upper and
lower case letters, dashes (-) and periods (.) are allowed.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
1 P U S H A O R Z T O F I N D
2 N A M E E N T E R C O D E O R P
3 U S H C A L L
Block 3
Block 2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Block 1
After organizing the instruction message in the matrix above, follow the instructions below to enter the
message into the system. After each desired letter, number or space is displayed on the directory,
remember to press * to enter that character. Spaces count as a character and must be entered into
memory as a character. After a complete block has been entered, press * to enter the block, then
start the next block.
1. Press *81 and enter the four-digit MASTER CODE _ _ _ _ (beep). The screen will
display: BLOCK 1.
2. Enter the characters into block 1. Remember to press * (beep) after each character.
3. After the last character in block 1 has been entered, press * (beep) to enter the entire
block. The screen will display: BLOCK 2.
4. Enter the characters into block 2. Remember to press * (beep) after each character.
5. After the last character in block 2 has been entered, press * (beep) to enter the entire
block. The screen will display: BLOCK 3.
6. Enter the characters into block 3. Remember to press * (beep) after each character.
7. After the last character in block 3 has been entered, press * (beep) to enter the entire
8. Press * to enter all three blocks into the system memory.
9. Press 0# together to end this programming step (beeeeeep).
10. The new user message will begin to scroll across the screen