General description – StorCase Technology DE300i-SWC User Manual

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DE300i-SWC User's Guide - Rev. A00

StorCase Technology Inc.



General Description

The StorCase Technology Data Express


DE300i-SWC is composed of a receiving frame

with 68-pin SCSI Wide connectors and fits within 5.25" full-height peripheral slots. The

receiving frame contains three (3) removable drive carriers designed to provide durable

and reliable mounting for three (3) 3.5" form factor x 1" high SCSI drives. The DE300i-

SWC is specifically designed for Single Connector Attachment (SCA) SCSI drives (Figure


The DE300i-SWC allows a drive to be removed and transported to another DE300i-SWC-

equipped computer or expansion chassis, and also provides the ability to secure sensitive

data by removing and storing the drive safely for future use. The DE300i-SWC is

particularly well suited for RAID configurations, combining wide receiving frame I/O

connectors with three (3) removable single connect (SCA) drive carriers.

This User's Guide describes the steps required to install the StorCase Data Express

(DE300i-SWC) removable enclosure inside a computer peripheral bay or external

expansion chassis. This guide supplements documentation provided with the host

computer system, operating system, and the drive to be installed within the DE300i-SWC


Figure 2: DE300i-SWC Carrier and Receiving Frame