Spectrum Controls 1794sc-IF8IU User Manual
Page 38

Flex™ IO Isolated Universal Input Module
User's Manual Pub. 0300231‐01 Rev. A
Input Type
Eng. Units
Eng Units X10 Raw/Prop
10 Ω Cu α 0.426
-100 to 260 ˚C
(-148 to 500 ˚F)
-1000 to 2600
(-1480 to 5000)
-100 to 260
(-148 to 500)
-32768 to 32767
0 to 16383
0 to 10000
100 Ω Ni α 0.618
-100 to 260 ˚C
(-148 to 500 ˚F)
-1000 to 2600
(-1480 to 5000)
-100 to 260
(-148 to 500)
-32768 to 32767
0 to 16383
0 to 10000
120 Ω Ni α 0.672
-80 to 260 ˚C
(-112 to 500 ˚F)
-800 to 2600
(-1120 to 5000)
-80 to 260
(-112 to 500)
-32768 to 32767
0 to 16383
0 to 10000
604 Ω NiFe α 0.518
-100 to 200 ˚C
(-148 to 392 ˚F)
-1000 to 2000
(-1480 to 3920)
-100 to 200
(-148 to 392)
-32768 to 32767
0 to 16383
0 to 10000
0 to 150 Ω
0 to 15000
0 to 1500
-32768 to 32767
0 to 16383
0 to 10000
0 to 1000 Ω
0 to 10000
0 to 1000
-32768 to 32767
0 to 16383
0 to 10000
0 to 3000 Ω
0 to 30000
0 to 3000
-32768 to 32767
0 to 16383
0 to 10000
+/- 50 mV
-5000 to 5000
-500 to 500
-32768 to 32767
0 to 16383
0 to 10000
+/- 100 mV
-10000 to 10000
-1000 to 1000
-32768 to 32767
0 to 16383
0 to 10000
0 to 5V
0 to 5000
0 to 500
-32768 to 32767
0 to 16383
0 to 10000
1 to 5V
1000 to 5000
100 to 500
-32768 to 32767
0 to 16383
0 to 10000
+/- 10V
-10000 to 10000
-1000 to 1000
-32768 to 32767
0 to 16383
0 to 10000
0 to 10V
0 to 10000
0 to 1000
-32768 to 32767
0 to 16383
0 to 10000
4 to 20 mA
4000 to 20000
400 to 2000
-32768 to 32767
0 to 16383
0 to 10000
0 to 20 mA
0 to 20000
0 to 2000
-32768 to 32767
0 to 16383
0 to 10000
3.4.5 Open Circuit Mode [Words 1 – 8 (Bits 12 & 13)]
The open circuit mode determines the fail-safe data value each channel is to default to in
the event of an open circuit condition. The table below lists the available options.
Table 3-7 (Open Circuit Mode)
Bit 13 Bit 12 Open Circuit Mode:
Zero analog value on broken input.
Set analog value to Max scale on broken input.
Set analog value to Min scale on broken input.
1 1 Previous
3.4.6 Disable CJC [Words 1 – 8 (Bit 14)]
This bit is used to disable CJC compensation for the associated channel.
Table 3-8 (Disable CJC)
State Function
0 CJCs
1 CJCs
This field is only used if the input type is a thermocouple and the
format is not a CJC format. No compensation is performed on the
thermocouple when disabled.
3.4.7 Temperature Units [Words 1 – 8 (Bit 15)]
This bit enables Celsius or Fahrenheit for the associated channel.
Note: If the associated channel is not configured for an RTD or
thermocouple, the temperature units have no effect.
Table 3-9 (Temperature Units)
State Function
0 Degrees
1 Degrees