I n t r o, About crystallizer – Soundtoys Crystallizer User Manual

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(the one that comes before the sequel!)

About Crystallizer

Crystallizer is the third in a series of totally cool new plug-ins to come out of the

SoundToys (formerly Wave Mechanics) plug-in development lab. As with FilterFreak,

our Analog Filtering module and PhaseMistress, our killer analog phase shifter, a truly

ridiculous amount of programming time, head scratching, listening and tweaking has

gone into the development and design of Crystallizer in order to provide you with an

incredibly creative, powerful, new granular-pitch-splice-forward-backward-echo-plus-

space-drive-shimmer-accumulator-effect-device for your Pro Tools rig. That makes

sense, right? However, one of the most difficult things facing us is how to describe

what Crystallizer does. It is a special tool and sounds unlike anything else so a little

history may be in order.

A bunch of years ago the brains at our company (Sound Toys in case you did not

know) worked for a little company called Eventide in the swamps of New Jersey (yes,

there are swamps). While there, these geniuses created the H-3000 Harmonizer®

which also contained a new algorithm called Reverse Shift. That algorithm sat around

kind of unused for a little while until this sound designer by the name of Andrew

Schlesinger (yours truly) realized that by using the algorithm with a lot of feedback

and delay that you could create these incredible "Crystal-Like" echoes and shimmer-

ing effects that sounded absolutely incredible, especially on guitar. So a preset was

created called "Crystal Echoes" which has subsequently been used by hundreds of

artists and producers on tons of albums.

Fast-forward to 2004 and you now have an updated and more powerful Pro Tools

plug-in device created by the same guys and based around the same concept (but

with a lot more capabilities). And what does it do? Crystallizer basically grabs a

"slice" of stereo or mono audio coming in from it’s input and plays it back either for-

ward or in reverse with the ability to shift the pitch of the audio slice (4) octaves up,

or (4) octaves down. It also includes the ability to delay the playback of the audio by

up to (2) seconds and most importantly use regeneration or "Recycle" to feed the

output back into the input allowing you to create some radical and beautiful effects

on all sorts of input signals. We have also thrown in our standard fare of "Tweak"

parameters to further mutate the signal, but that will be covered a bit later on.

Since Crystallizer is not your standard fare it is a little hard to accurately describe all

the functions (some are clearer than others) and this is one of those devices that

begs to be tweaked and futzed with. There is nothing to break, nothing to ruin and it

won’t stain your carpet so you might as well just start digging in and playing around

to see what this puppy can do.