Introduction, 1 introduction – Sonnox Oxford Inflator User Manual

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1 Introduction

The Sonnox Oxford Inflator plug-in is designed to address the current preference to

produce the maximum apparent loudness from popular music mixes. Many processes are
already in use, which are variously reliant on compression and limiting to produce
maximum modulation and try to give an impression of excitement to the sound of the
programme. The Inflator plug-in goes further than these methods and can increase the
loudness of almost any programme material, regardless of the levels of prior compression
or remaining dynamic range. It will even make full level white noise sound louder! The
Inflator plug-in can also be used to create much of the warmth, character and dynamic
excitement of analogue systems within the digital domain.

The Inflator process functions by changing the relative probability of samples in the

programme material such that there is a greater probability of larger values than the
original signal. The Inflator does not employ signal compression, so there is no ‘pumping’,
dynamic level change, loss of presence or flattening of percussive attacks. The full
dynamic information of the music content is largely preserved despite the increase in
average modulation density.

In addition to loudness enhancement, the Inflator can create a harmonic profile in the
signal spectrum that not only increases the apparent dynamic impact of instruments and
performances, but also provides ’warmth’ to the programme, reminiscent of good valve
systems. When used in this way, the Inflator even has the ability of good valve systems to
produce great sounding programme when significantly overdriven, and can therefore be
used as an artistic enhancement tool on single performances within a mix.

