Tips for using the response display, 1 tips for using the response display – Sonnox Oxford EQ including GML User Manual

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4.1 Tipsforusingtheresponsedisplay


hand side of the graph can be used to increase or decrease the scale of the graph. The
default graph scale, and other options, can be changed by clicking the Sonnox button
and selecting the Graphs entry on the drop-down menu.

Note that the response graph setup is saved and restored across instances.

4.1 Tipsforusingtheresponsedisplay

The graph display is designed to be as intuitive as possible, but studying the following

paragraphs will definitely help to increase your workflow:


This means click on the handle with the left mouse button, drag the handle with the

pointer, and then unclick. Moving a handle will automatically enable the
corresponding section.


Control +click to grab the hidden handle ready for dragging.

Whenever a handle is being used, the numeric readout displays of the corresponding

section will provide immediate feedback of which section is being used, and the precise

values of your adjustments.

