Step 8, Step 9 – ParkZone PKZ3380 User Manual

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Step 8

Seek Assistance from an Experienced Radio Control Pilot


The 3-channel control system is designed for the experienced radio

control pilot and is not intended for the first-time flier. It is best

to have HobbyZone


Zone 2 experience. First-time pilots of the

ParkZone Vapor should seek the assistance of an experienced RC flier

until the additional third channel, pitch control, has been

competently mastered. Crash damage is not covered under the

warranty. It is very important to confirm the ParkZone Vapor is

properly balanced prior to flying.


Due to the lightweight design of the ParkZone Vapor, it is

highly recommended that the original packaging be used when

storing and transporting the aircraft to prevent damage. Take care

to not leave the Vapor in direct sunlight or stored inside a vehicle on

a warm day. Excessive heat may cause damage to the Vapor’s

film covering.

Step 9

Finding the Vapor’s Center of Gravity

The Vapor’s front wing mount should be positioned at approximately

28–30mm behind the front of the fuselage for the initial flights, with

the front of the battery tray positioned at approximately 10–12mm

behind the front wing mount. The Vapor will fly at a wide range of CG

positions, allowing you to alter the flying characteristics of the

aircraft. You may also experiment and add a little “up” trim to the

elevator which will bring the nose up slightly in flight. This will provide

the airplane with the ability to fly even slower.

Hand Launching the Vapor

1. Make certain that the aircraft battery is fully charged.

2. Turn on the transmitter.

3. Plug in the aircraft battery.

4. Test the motor and surface controls.

5. While holding the transmitter in one hand, push the throttle stick

to half throttle (up) with thumb.

6. Launch using light force. Keep the wings level. Do not throw it up

or down. Point it level (parallel) with the ground when releasing.

Use caution when launching the Vapor as to not grasp the

pushrods. Grasping the pushrods may result in damage

to the servos.