Step 5, Step 6, Step 7 – ParkZone PKZ3380 User Manual
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5. If your airplane is not responding correctly to the transmitter
input, do not fly. Some correction is needed. Call the Horizon
Support Team at 1-877-504-0233, or find your local distributor
at to contact for assistance.
6. When the test is complete, be sure to disconnect the flight
battery first, then turn off the transmitter. This should be done
each time you turn off the airplane.
It is very important to make sure that the control surfaces
(rudder and elevator) are at 0 degrees, or neutral, when the right
transmitter stick is centered.
Step 5
Reversing Flight Controls
Should the Vapor’s electronic components be used in another aircraft,
you may find it necessary to reverse the operation of flight control
surfaces. Please refer to the instruction manual included with your
transmitter for detailed instructions on reversing servo operation. JR,
LP5DSM and Spektrum radios should not require any servo reversing
to be completed.
Connect the flight battery and complete the flight control test,
confirming that all surfaces are operating in the correct direction. If
you find one or more servos need reversed, do so by following the
servo reversing instructions of your radio system.
Step 6
Making Adjustments to the Control Surfaces
1. Any changes necessary to bring both the rudder and elevator
to neutral (zero degrees) when the right transmitter stick
is centered should be possible using the digital trim buttons.
2. If you find this is not the case, do not fly until this has been
3. If corrections are needed, you may have to adjust the length
of the pushrod by gently stretching or pinching the bend in the
control wire as necessary. You can also achieve more control by
changing the hole on the control horn that the pushrod goes into.
We suggest you fly it first as it comes from the factory and then
only move “in” one hole at a time.
Step 7
Choose a Large, Open Flying Site
For first flights, always choose a wide-open space for flying your
ParkZone Vapor. It is ideal for you to fly in an indoor location with a
floor area of 15’ x 15’ and a minimum ceiling height of 8 feet. We
suggest that first flights are done in a larger area, such as in a garage
or basement.
If you choose to make your flights outdoors, the conditions MUST
be COMPLETELY CALM. The Vapor weighs less than 1/2 ounce and
can easily be blown away. If you choose to fly outdoors, remember to
always keep the plane upwind from you to avoid flyaways.
Make certain that you do not fly near trees, buildings, or other areas
that can restrict your view or interfere with your flying.
The Vapor weighs about 1/2 ounce and can easily
be blown away.