Nor-Cal LCD Front Panel Interface User Manual

Page 7

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The UTILITY MENU page simply serves as the means to reach the five functions contained under this category,


Pressing the INITIALIZE VALVE button on the UTILITY MENU page brings up the CONFIRM VALVE

INITIALIZATION dialogue screen. By pressing YES here, the controller will initialize the valve, which means all
other functions will cease to respond until initialization is complete. This is one of the ways a gate- or pendulum
valve controller can be given the “clear to proceed” command after first being powered up. The first time that
the controller initializes a gate- or pendulum valve, it will go through a full extensive routine lasting for about one
minute. All subsequent times, a shorter initialization routine will be used. If a gate- or pendulum valve control-
ler is used to control a different valve than it was first used to initialize, it is imperative that the controller be reset
(see below) before initializing and operating. For butterfly valve controllers, the same initialization routine will
be used at all times. Pressing NO on the CONFIRM VALVE INITIALIZATION screen will return the user to the


Pressing the RESET CONTROLLER button on the UTILITY MENU will bring up the CONFIRM CONTROLLER

RESET dialogue screen. By pressing YES here, the controller will momentarily turn off power to the processor
and clear all motor initialization data stored in NVRAM (other data in NVRAM such as set-point information will
be retained). Once the processor comes back on line, the controller will initialize the valve if it is a butterfly type.
If the valve is a gate- or pendulum type, the controller will stay in “safe mode” awaiting a “clear to proceed”
command from the operator. Pressing NO on the CONFIRM CONTROLLER RESET screen will return the user to
the UTILITY MENU page.

Pressing the DIAGNOSTIC INFO button on the UTILITY MENU makes certain controller information available.
This screen will list firmware revision levels as well as the serial number of the finished product as it was produced
by Nor-Cal Products. This information can be useful in diagnosing problems if/when they occur. EXIT will return
the user to the MAIN MENU page.

The REMOTE MODE button on the UTILITY MENU page currently only serves as a display screen for valve,
pressure and setpoint information. It does NOT provide any lock-out or other safety features. With or without
the REMOTE MODE screen displayed, the controller can be commanded via any of its three user interfaces using
“whoever talks last” priority. Pressing EXIT will return the user to the MAIN MENU page.

Pushing DISPLAY UTILITIES on the UTILITY MENU brings up the LCD SET-UP page. Please refer back to
Section 10.2 for details about the functionality of this page.