Infant virtual i.v – Laerdal Infant Virtual I.V. User Manual
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Quick Start User Guide
Infant Virtual I.V.
Directions for Use
Simulation (Procedure)
The equipment you have selected appears in the equipment toolbar at the left of the screen. You can
use any of these pieces of equipment at any time by clicking on the corresponding icon.
At the top of the screen are 3 buttons that allow you to review the case scenario (Case Scenario),
select more equipment (Equipment), or select a different site for catheterization (Site Selection). You
can select these throughout the procedure.
Certain procedural steps can be performed by clicking on the corresponding icons. These icons are
located around the left periphery of the circular simulation window.
At the bottom of the simulation window are three disposal containers (trash can, sharps container
and bio-hazard bag). Dispose of equipment into the appropriate receptacle once it has been used.
- Advanced Trauma Modules (8 pages)
- AED Resusci Anne SkillGuide (112 pages)
- AED Trainer 2 (38 pages)
- AED Trainer 3 (28 pages)
- AHA eCards (53 pages)
- ACLS 2010 (24 pages)
- ALS Baby (40 pages)
- ALS Simulator (16 pages)
- ALS Simulator Advanced (1 page)
- ALS Simulator (SimPad capable) (124 pages)
- Arterial Arm Stick Kit (10 pages)
- Arterial Arm Stick Kit (8 pages)
- AT Kelly Torso (12 pages)
- Baby Anne (40 pages)
- Baby Arti (8 pages)
- Baby Hippy (8 pages)
- Baby Stap (8 pages)
- Baby Umbi (8 pages)
- Bleeding Trauma Modules (14 pages)
- BTLS Victim Injury Set (6 pages)
- Catheterization and Enema Trainer (8 pages)
- CPRmeter (248 pages)
- Crash Kelly (10 pages)
- Deluxe Difficult Airway Trainer (8 pages)
- Deluxe IV Elbow (4 pages)
- DocuCare (2 pages)
- E.P. Heart (8 pages)
- ECG Kid (2 pages)
- Extri Kelly (10 pages)
- Fundus Skills and Assessment Trainer (8 pages)
- HeadBed II Head Immobilization Device (2 pages)
- HeartCode ACLS 2010 (28 pages)
- HeartCode ACLS 2010 (2 pages)
- HeartCode BLS 2010 (24 pages)
- HeartSim 200 (86 pages)
- HeartStart AED Trainer (147 pages)
- IM Hip Task Trainer (6 pages)
- Infant IO Leg (6 pages)
- Infant IV Leg (8 pages)
- In-Service Home Care Training Simulator (10 pages)
- Airway Management Trainer (28 pages)
- Compact Suction Unit (LCSU) 4 (272 pages)
- Intraosseous Trainer (40 pages)
- IV Torso (24 pages)