Infant virtual i.v, Frequently asked questions, Directions for use – Laerdal Infant Virtual I.V. User Manual
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7. Will the cleansing agents wet and taint the skin?
Yes, like in actual patients, there will be a time period in which topical agents will remain in a liquid
state on the skin and then evaporate, depending on the nature of the solution applied to the arm.
8. Will blood drip out of the needle hub if the vein isn’t occluded?
Yes, under most conditions, if the procedure has been performed to elicit this problem, bleeding will
9. Will a hematoma and/or ecchymosis form if I stick through or blow a vein?
Yes, under most conditions, if the procedure has been performed to elicit these problems, a hema-
toma and/or ecchymosis will occur.
10. Why do I need to select a sharps container? There is one on the wall in every room where I
An option can be configured in the Administrator module to make the sharps container always avail-
able. The goal is to reinforce the concept that sharps, contaminated gloves and other items must be
disposed of in a prescribed fashion. The same is true for the biohazard container.
11. Is there some way to mark the selected needle entry point? I lose the spot when I prep the
As with an actual patient, there is no way to mark the point of insertion.
12. Is there a lateral transparent view so I can see my angle and depth of entry?
No, currently there is no real-time display of angle and depth of entry. Future versions may feature
this capability, but for training purposes, it was felt that, since this is not available while performing
the procedure on an actual patient, it was not a preferred method of training the technique.
13. Will the debriefing tell me what I did correctly and give me more specific information about
what I did wrong?
Yes, the Debriefing screens have links to video, animations and textual information about errors and
the way to achieve proper performance in the procedure.
Frequently Asked Questions
Infant Virtual I.V.
Directions for Use