Mail e, Ards to, Tudents – Laerdal AHA eCards User Manual
Page 36: Anual, Rocess
Page 36 of 53
My Cards
– Instructor
Email eCards to Students
– Manual Process
To email eCards to students, the Instructor can either enter student information manually OR the Instructor can upload a
file containing the necessary data. To manually enter, the Instructor will type in the following student information:
1. First Name
2. Last Name
3. Email address
4. Phone # (optional)
5. For Heartsaver courses, the TCC or TC Admin will also have to check a checkbox next to the optional modules
that the student completed.
Once complete, the Instructor clicks the Submit button. The system processes and returns the Instructor to the Email
eCards to Students page, as shown below.
To return to emailing eCards to
students from that Course/Instructor assignment, click the “Email eCards button” next to
the assignment.
You will now see that the student information (First Name/Last Name/Email/Phone (if entered)) the TCC entered
previously will be populated in the information fields. The populated fields will be grayed out and will not be editable,
indicating that the eCard(s) have been emailed to the student(s), as shown below.
Click the Email eCards
button to email eCards to