Operation – JUGS Sports Cricket Bowling Machine User Manual

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1. Operators of Jugs Bowling Machines must wear safety glasses and batting

helmets at all times.

2. Check speed dial and make sure it is in the full counter-clockwise position

(pointer at 0 mph setting) and the toggle switch is in the OFF position.

3. Plug heavy-duty no. 18-gauge, extension cord into A/C outlet and connect to

short cord on the bowling machine. Place the protective screen in front of the

bowling machine to protect the operator and the bowling machine from batted


4. Position the machine to aim at the desired target. While grasping the T-Handle

above the control box, loosen the Lock Knob and adjust the trajectory as

desired. Tighten Lock Knob securely. (You will have to practice this targeting

so you will know how to set the machine for each delivery.) Be sure to tighten

base and leg T-Clamps

5. Place toggle switch in the ON position. Gradually turn the speed dials to the

desired speed.

6. Have all batters and observers stand well clear of the target as you bowl

practice balls. To adjust trajectory and point of aim, use the T-handle, Lock

Knob and Base T-Clamp, (It is normal to bowl five or six balls before arriving

at the setting you desire.) Always have the batter stand clear while adjusting

your JUGS bowling machine.

7. At the beginning of practice, or after any change in speed, curve, or trajectory,

have the batter stand well clear while at least one test ball is bowled to make

sure the ball is bowled at the desired target. If you move the machine for any

reason, repeat this process.

8. Bowl balls at speeds the batter can learn to hit. As the batter’s skills increase,

you can bowl faster deliveries.

9. When you increase the speed of any delivery, you must lower the elevation of

aim; when you decrease speed, you must increase the aim elevation.
