Hanna Instruments HI 4101 User Manual
Page 33

XII. Sample Handling
Sample Handling
Sample Handling
Sample Handling
Sample Handling
Keep samples stored in tightly covered bottles to pre-
vent ammonia loss or ammonia contamination from
other sources.
Alkaline samples must be measured at once or acidi-
fied for storage. (HCl may be added to bring pH to 6).
Acidic samples such as wine or juice may require
addition ISA. Samples should be approximately pH
11 for measurement.
Measure sample and standards quickly after adding
ISA because ammonia gas will escape from the solu-
For solutions containing organically bound nitrogen
such as oil, sludge, waste, or samples which may
contain surfactants; digest sample first using a total
Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN) procedure. This involves
oxidation with hot sulfuric acid which converts bound
nitrogen to ammonium ions. Consult Method 4500-
from Standard Methods for the Examination of
Water and Wastewater.
For samples found to penetrate or “wet” the mem-
brane, measurements may be made above the sample
in a small headspace of a sealed system such as HI
4000-71 test vessel, provided the concentration of
is greater than 10
M. The headspace should be
saturated with water vapor and the membrane end of
the electrode suspended in the gas sample above the
sample with ISA added. Expect a longer response
time from the sensor when gas phase measurements
are made.