Hanna Instruments HI 98140 User Manual
Page 15

HI 70004P pH 4.01 buffer solution, 20 mL sachet, 25 pcs
HI 70007P pH 7.01 buffer solution, 20 mL sachet, 25 pcs
HI 70010P pH 10.01 buffer solution, 20 mL sachet, 25 pcs
HI 7004L
pH 4.01 buffer solution, 500 mL bottle
HI 7006L
pH 6.86 buffer solution, 500 mL bottle
HI 7007L
pH 7.01 buffer solution, 500 mL bottle
HI 7009L
pH 9.18 buffer solution, 500 mL bottle
HI 7010L
pH 10.01 buffer solution, 500 mL bottle
HI 70300L Storage solution, 500 mL bottle
HI 70000P Electrode rinsing solution, 20 mL sachet, 25 pcs
HI 7061L
General cleaning solution, 500 mL bottle
HI 7073L
Protein cleaning solution, 500 mL bottle
HI 7074L
Inorganic cleaning solution, 500 mL bottle
HI 7077L
Oil & Fat cleaning solution, 500 mL bottle
HI 7071
3.5M KCl+AgCl electrolyte solution, 4 x 50 mL bottle
HI 7072
electrolyte solution, 4 x 50 mL bottle
HI 7082
3.5M KCl electrolyte solution, 4 x 50 mL bottle
HI 7091L
Reducing pretreatment solution, 500 mL bottle
HI 7092L
Oxidizing pretreatment solution, 500 mL bottle
• Dry Membrane/Junction: soak in HI 70300 storage solution for
at least 1 hour
• Drifting: soak the electrode tip in warm HI 7082 solution for one
hour, then flush tip with distilled water. Refill with fresh HI 7071
for single junction electrodes and HI 7082 for double junction
• Low Slope: refer to the cleaning procedure above
• No Slope: check the electrode for cracks in glass stem or bulb
and replace the electrode
• Slow Response/Excessive Drift: soak the tip in HI 7061
solution for 30 minutes, rinse thoroughly in distilled water and
then follow the Cleaning Procedure above.
HI 1615D
Smart pH electrode, glass body, single junction, refill-
able, with built-in temperature sensor, DIN connector
and 1 m (3.3') cable
HI 1616D
Smart pH electrode, glass body, single junction, gel-
filled, with built-in temperature sensor, DIN connector
and 1 m (3.3') cable
HI 1617D
Smart pH electrode, glass body, single junction, triple
ceramic, refillable, with built-in temperature sensor,
DIN connector and 1 m (3.3') cable
HI 1618D
Smart pH electrode, plastic body, single junction, gel-
filled, with built-in temperature sensor, DIN connector
and 1 m (3.3') cable
HI 3619D
Smart ORP/Pt electrode, glass body, single junction,
with DIN connector and 1 m (3.3') cable
HI 3620D
Smart ORP/Pt electrode, glass body, single junction,
gel-filled, with DIN connector and 1 m (3.3') cable
FC 201D
Smart pH electrode, single junction, with built-in
temperature sensor, DIN and 1 m (3.3') cable
FC 212D
Smart pH electrode, double junction, with built-in
temperature sensor, DIN and 1 m (3.3') cable
FC 231D
Smart pH electrode, single junction, with penetration
blade (20 mm / 0.79"), built-in temperature sensor,
DIN connector and 1 m (3.3') cable
FC 241D
Smart pH electrode, single junction, with penetration
blade (35 mm / 1.38"), built-in temperature sensor,
DIN connector and 1 m (3.3') cable
HI 710005
Voltage adapter, 115 Vac / 12 Vdc
HI 710006
Voltage adapter, 230 Vac / 12 Vdc
HI 76405
Electrode holder
HI 8427
pH and mV simulator
HI 931001
pH and mV simulator with LCD display
HI 92000
compatible software
HI 920011
Serial cable for PC connection (5 to 9-pin)