Hanna Instruments pH 20 User Manual

Page 8

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HI 2031B

Glass body, semimicro, conic tip, refillable, combina-
tion. Use: semisolid products.

FC 100B

PVDF body, double junction, refillable, combination.
Use: general purpose for food industry.

FC 200B

PVDF body, open junction, conic shape, Viscolene, non-
refillable, combination. Use: meat, cheese.

FC 210B

Glass body, double junction, conic shape, Viscolene,
non-refillable, combination. Use: milk, yogurt.

FC 220B

Glass body, triple ceramic junction, refillable, combina-
tion. Use: food processing.


All electrode part numbers ending with B are supplied with BNC
connector and 1 m (3.3') cable.
HI 3131B

Glass body, refillable, combination, platinum sensor.
Use: titration.

HI 3230B

Plastic body, gel-filled, combination, platinum sensor.
Use: general purpose.

HI 4430B

Plastic body, gel-filled, combination gold sensor.
Use: general purpose.

For a complete list of available pH and ORP electrodes, consult the
Hanna General Catalog or visit


ChecktempC Pocket-size thermometer (range -50.0 to 150.0°C)
HI 710005

115 Vac/12 Vdc power adapter, US plug

HI 710006

230 Vac/12 Vdc power adapter, European plug

HI 76405

Electrode holder

HI 7662

Temperature probe with 1 m (3.3') cable

HI 8427

pH/ORP electrode simulator with 1 m (3.3') coaxial
cable and BNC connector

HI 931001

pH/ORP electrode simulator with LCD, 1 m (3.3')
coaxial cable and BNC connector

HI 8072



electrolyte, 4 x 30 mL (FDA approved bottle)

HI 7082

3.5M KCl electrolyte, 4 x 30 mL, for double junction

HI 8082

3.5M KCl electrolyte, 4 x 30 mL, for double junction
electrodes (FDA approved bottle)


HI 7091M

Reducing pretreatment solution, 230 mL bottle

HI 7091L

Reducing pretreatment solution, 500 mL bottle

HI 7092M

Oxidizing pretreatment solution, 230 mL bottle

HI 7092L

Oxidizing pretreatment solution, 500 mL bottle

HI 7020M

Test solution, 200-275 mV, 230 mL bottle

HI 7020L

Test solution, 200-275 mV, 500 mL bottle

HI 7021M

Test solution, 240 mV, 230 mL bottle

HI 7021L

Test solution, 240 mV, 500 mL bottle

HI 7022M

Test solution, 470 mV, 230 mL bottle

HI 7022L

Test solution, 470 mV, 500 mL bottle


All electrode part numbers ending with B are supplied with BNC
connector and 1 m (3.3') cable.
HI 1043B

Glass body, double junction, refillable, combination.
Use: strong acid/alkali.

HI 1048B

Glass body, annular open junction, refillable, combina-
tion. Use: wine processing.

HI 1053B

Glass body, triple ceramic junction, conic shape, refill-
able, combination. Use: emulsions.

HI 1083B

Glass body, micro, Viscolene, non-refillable, combina-
tion. Use: biotechnology, micro titration.

HI 1110B

Glass body, single junction, gel-filled, combination.
Use: general purpose.

HI 1131B

Glass body, single junction, refillable, combination.
Use: general purpose.

HI 1230B

Plastic body, double junction, gel-filled, combination.
Use: general, field.

HI 1330B

Glass body, semimicro, single junction, refillable, com-
bination. Use: laboratory, vials.

HI 1331B

Glass body, semimicro, single junction, refillable, com-
bination. Use: flasks.

HI 1332B

Plastic body, double junction, refillable, combination.
Use: general purpose.

HI 1413B

Glass body, single junction, flat tip, Viscolene, non-
refillable, combination. Use: surface measurement.

This manual is related to the following products: