Hall Research DVS-2A User Manual
Page 11
2-Port DVI Switch with Audio & Serial Control
The DVS-2A will output a menu to the serial port on power-up. This
menu can also be displayed when the appropriate command is sent to the
DVS-2A via the serial port. To view the menu, an ASCII serial terminal
or terminal emulator software is needed. An example is Microsoft
HyperTerminal (generally found in the Accessories ->
Communication folder)
. To configure HyperTerminal
Connect direct to any available COM port
4800 Baud, 8 bits, No Parity, 1 Stop bit, No flow control
Settings per following figures:
After power-up the unit will output the following menu in ASCII through
its serial port:
MENU - Version 1.0
1 = PC 1 Input | B = Blank
2 = PC 2 Input | U = Un-blank
A = Auto mode | E = Enable boost
M = Manual mode | D = Disable boost
P = PC 1 priority | R = Report
N = No priority | F = Factory Defaults
| C = Command menu