Gryphon Trident II User Manual
Page 9

silver components encased in a heavily damped aluminium
block suspended freely behind the panels. At the extreme
high frequency transition between the ribbon and the AMT
super-tweeter array, the ribbon rolls off naturally with no low-
pass filter section in the signal path.
The high frequency system’s innate wide and even horizontal
dispersion with virtually nil vertical dispersion creates a large,
stable sweet spot with none of the floor and ceiling reflections
that muddy the sound of conventional multi-way systems. Eli-
minating this major source of interference allows Gryphon Tri-
dent ll to achieve new levels of room-independent clarity and
Bass Foundation
Significant effort and resources have been focused on delive-
ring extended deep bass with articulation, force and authority,
completely independent of the acoustic environment.
To keep pace with the extraordinary speed and openness of
our midrange drivers and AMT tweeters , the Trident ll´s active
bass offers elegantly simple, original Gryphon solutions to a
number of complicated problems.
Deep bass is, perhaps counter-intuitively, the most difficult
part of the audio spectrum to reproduce with both accuracy
and seamless integration with the upper frequency range. A
full-range speaker with bass drivers built into the main enclo-
sure has its own set of demons to exorcise as does the cur-
rently popular approach of tacking on a so-called “subwoofer”
for bottom end duties.
Each Trident ll cabinet houses 4 custom designed 8” drive
units and a built-in, specially designed Gryphon Class A/B
power amplifier capable of 1,000 Watts continuous output. For
extended headroom, available peak power is approximately
4,000 Watts or 4.5 horsepower.
Unlike compromised, “universal” amplifiers, the Trident ll bass
amp has been conceived and built exclusively for optimal in-
tegration with the system’s custom-built drive units, rigid cabi-
net and flexible, user-adjustable room integration controls, for
a level of performance unachievable by any standard mix-and-
match approach.
The Trident ll amplifiers incorporate 18 high current bipolar
output transistors, a 200,000 microFarad capacitor bank, DC
servo-coupling, zero global negative feedback, no output re-
lays, output coupling via massive copper bussbars, decoupled
transformer castings, military spec. double-sided printed circ-
uit boards and Holmgren toroidal transformers with internal
magnetic shielding.
Trident ll custom bass driver