Gryphon Trident II User Manual

Page 13

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b. Diffraction is scattering reflections and removing negative
effects of reflections from the walls that interfere with the di-
rect sound from the speaker system

At Gryphon we are biased towards diffusion as we find that ab-
sorption in its extreme is killing dynamics and live feeling and
is often pushing the system to hard because of the loos of
sound level. Damping may be required to control an excess of
energy in a certain frequency area,. Diffusion can not do that.
The Trident ll is a dipole speaker system where the midrange
and tweeter panels is radiating sound forward and backwards.
Consequently it is interacting with the back wall more than a
box speaker.
It is not possible to give plug and play directions to any spea-
ker system,. A large degree is the individual – and often mi-
nute – adjustments of position of speaker and listening
position that is crucial for optimum performance.
In the following we will describe a starting- point set-up based
on our experience and it should only serve as a guideline.
Keep in mind that the set-up that sound right – is right.
As speakers run in,. minor adjustments may be required for
final set-up.
The bass is a huge challenge in set-up and reason for much
aggravation,. However, the Trident ll active woofer with its ad-
justments to the room is making that part more easy.
In our reference room ( 60 sq m ) we do not have any damping
( absorption ) behind the speakers but some diffusion on this
and more on the rest of the walls. Often some damping on the
back wall may be the right solution – the live / dead end phi-
losophy – If ceiling is low, damping at first reflection is sugge-
sted. For a ultimate-take-no-prisoners- approach, the
traditional table in front of the listener should be avoided as it
can generate reflections just as the close ceeling.
The Trident ll may at first sight look very much as some of the
old 4 column systems such as the Infinity IRS models that was
outstanding at its time. They were usually set up with very little
respect to the woofer towers that was just placed somewhere
behind the panels and just supposed to provide some oomph
to the sound.

The Trident ll is a different generation of speakers and shines
with its seamless integration between bass and the MT panels
that was the weakness of the older generations of 4 tower sy-
stems. So forget about the old school set-ups

Notes on sound reflections.
Behind speaker:
The farther away the system is from back wall, then less diffu-
sion ( if any ) is required.
Side walls
Diffusion should be used ( if any ) at sidewalls where first re-